شهادات من طلبة ومعلمين أمريكان يشهدون بفعالية برنامج كاميليا


بالفديو اعلاه علمت كاميليا صادق طفل عمره 12 سنة القراءة في 6 أيام بعد أن عجزت كل المدارس من تعليمه 

كان الطفل الأمريكي الذي اسمه لـي نكمان في الصف السادس الإبتدائي، ولم تستطع المدارس أن تعلمه القراءة. وكان معلمه مِستر وودز يقول بأن الطفل لــي ميؤوس منه وله حالة عسر القراءة وصعوبات في التعلُّم والتركيز. إلا أن المؤلفة أثبتت عدم صحة ذلك حين علمت الطفل لـي القراءة بستة أيام وليس بست سنوات. وهذا هنا اسم مدرسته في كالفورنيا بأمريكا وموقع المدرسة الالكتروني وإسم المعلم

In 1999, Lee Ray Nachman was in the sixth grade, and according to his school records he read at a first-grade level (level 1.6). Lee’s school was Lassen View Union Elementary School in Red Bluff, CA (http://www.lassenview.org/). His teacher’s name was Mr. Woods. Lee’s parents were constantly told that Lee had dyslexia, ADD, and learning disabilities.


هذه رسالة من الطفل Lee للمؤلفة قبل أن يلتقي بها، وكان قد استغرق خمس ساعات في كتابتها وهي مليئة بالاغلاط

Hi my name is Lee Ray I am 12 I lik to do a lot of thangs. I kane ansr the kwashtanse .I have a bruthr thas a brat. He is 5 and has name is Jrme. hnave a sastr she is 14 and hre name is uteu. She liks to bos me a round . But I stul luf tham. My mom is 30 .My stap dad is 34 and he is a mukanak. Luv tham all. The resan I wont to lrn to rede is reding is upotan to me. Reding is upotan bekus if you don’t know hao to rede you wal nafr gat a raund. I dount tak ubaot my rede a lot bekus I gat upsat wan pepol tes me. So I ban wrking hord at it. I thank you for haping me and wonting to halp me lrn to rede. Ilik the saund of your voes. Thak you a lot. I kant wat to see you. I lik you for halping me. I haf nafr mat a prsa lik you.I hop nafr tote to a famas prsan I haf a lot of faling that you wal halp me Ihaf mane thgs to sae to you. I lik you . got luk on the the show. Ples tal your frand thank you thas mans a lot to me.

بعد 8 أشهر، ارسل Lee هذه الرسالة للمؤلفة وهو يكتب بشكل طبيعي

Hi Camilia I want to thank you. I miss you and I hope to see you soon. I have been writing better. I like reading. It is easyer to read. I want to tell you about my family. I have a brother that is six and I have a sister that is fourteen. I have a mom and a dad. I love them a lot. I am thirteen. It is still hard to write but I am not going to quit. I will practice and practice, I am getting better. I have been telling people about the system. I love you. Ps I am sorry for not writing you. I am writing how the words sounded. Lee

هذه هنا شهادات أخرى، وهي أيضا من طلبة أمريكان

Eleazar, age 11, grade 6

Eleazar Herrera, age 11, grade 6 from Cajon Valley School District, El Cajon, CA where Sadik taught a two-week pilot program. Eleazar’s pre-spelling test was 19/100 and after 12 hours of classroom instructions, he scored 90/100. Eleazar said, “I was used to reading without looking at the way words are spelled because my other teachers always told me to read fast. I thought I could never learn to spell. Spelling isn’t as difficult as I thought it was. I wish someone had told me about these spelling rules before.”

Natalie, age 15, grade 9

Natalie Munno, age 15, grade 9 from The Charter School of San Diego. Her pre-test was 41/100 and after a total of 11 hours of classroom instructions, she scored 100/100. Natalie said, “In the future, I will teach my kids to spell.” Natalie went on to say, “I didn’t learn how to read until I was in the fourth grade and I never learned how to spell. This class helped me learn to spell. I especially liked Ms. Sadik’s techniques for remembering things.” Natalie said she would absolutely participate in this class again. “I’d do it in a heartbeat.” 

B.J., age 13, grade 8

B.J. Penick, age 13, grade 8 from The Charter School of San Diego. His pre-test 50/100 and after nine hour of classroom instructions, he scored 99/100 on a post-test. B. J. said, “Now, I know how to spell. Spelling is easy. Ask me any words, and I will spell them.” B.J.’s father said, “My son is learning the spelling of thousands of words everyday and his vocabulary is increasing.” A year later, B.J. and his father expressed that he was one of the best students in his class. He said, “I get straight A’s in every class.”

Brian, age 9, grade 4

Brian, age 9, grade 4, from Irvine, CA, 2011. Brian’s Mother who is a schoolteacher said, “Brian cannot not use his hands to write words and his school had accepted him living with a keyboard for the rest of his life. In less than two hours, Sadik taught Brian to spell 20 words logically, gave him a mechanical pencil with a big eraser to erase whenever he wanted, and then asked him to write only one of the 20 words he learned. Brian handwrote all 20 words and he turned out to have the most beautiful handwriting. Obviously, Brian used to scribble to avoid misspelling and to protest the inconsistency in the way we spell phonics in words. When asked how did you do it? Brian replied, ‘It’s this pencil.’”

Rosie, Parent

Rosie – Amazon verified purchase of Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day: The Vowel A.  Rosie wrote, “Excellent approach to learn to spell. “We are enjoying this book. I would highly recommend it if you are looking at a good approach for spelling and learning some of the rules as well. In my opinion, this is a great series of books for parents to use at home with their children. The way that it is organized makes teaching and learning spell easy.”

Al Graham, age 44, College Student

Al Graham was Sadik’s student at Cuyamaca College in 1999. Al said, “Both of my parents were professors at SDSU and they tried hundreds of tutors and teachers and everyone gave up on me. They said I had dyslexia, learning disabilities, possible brain injury due to a motorcycle accident, and a bunch of things.”

Years after the class had ended, Al wrote, “I took the CBEST and past it the first time, all three sections. I know you know this but you probably still enjoy hearing it, that your class I think got me and is getting me through my spelling difficulties. I will always be thankful! I really feel your program is helping make the difference in my success.” Al is currently a first-grade teacher teaching phonics and spelling in the same way that he learned.

تكتب ليسا مِلَر على موقع أمزون عن كتاب القراءة الذي اشترته من أمزون وتعلم منه زوجها القراءة لأول مرة في حياته   

Lisa Miller Amazon verified purchase of Read Instantly. Lisa wrote, “What a blessing! Purchased this book after searching tirelessly for an answer to my dilemma. This book has helped my dyslexic husband to be confident in his desire to finally help himself read! I believe that Camilia Sadik is a true hero; she has developed a way of teaching that makes sense to otherwise hopeless feeling students. Would highly recommend this book to anyone of any age struggling with reading. It’s our little miracle book! Thank you Ms. Sadik!”

 شهادات من سجناء أمريكان ضمن برنامج محو الامية ومن مسؤولين عن إدارة السجن

After teaching a three-hour spelling course to inmates with spelling difficulties and dyslexia in Kansas City, Missouri, attendees had this to say:

Leslie Riggs, State Attorney for the prison system and for Charter Schools wrote, Leslie wrote, “Camilia: I am pleased that you have found a life’s work that promises to help so many people. I am glad you came to America.”

Nancy Leaser, Prison Superintendent, Nancy said, “My wish is for Camilia to come back to Missouri, to teach our inmates, train our teachers, and put me out of business.”

♦ Inmates Students expressed the following before the books were published:

• Can we keep this book?

• Can we buy this book in a bookstore?

• Will you promise to come back?

• If you aren’t coming back, will you remember to tell us where we can get this book?

• Here are our names and addresses to let us know where we can get this book. Please promise not to forget us.

• Remember me! Remember me!

• I love this; I can use these big words when I write letters.”

They expressed the feeling that big words had only been accessible to a certain class of people, but not to them. Now, the opportunity was open to them!

هذه رسالة من معلمة علمت رجُل مصاب بدماغه نتيجة اصطدام وفقد القدرة على القراءة؛ ولم يتعلم القراءة من أية  كتاب آخر

Carol Stevens, a Satisfied Tutor of a brain-injured person, Amazon verified purchase of Read Instantly “I purchased this book to use with a brain injured client because he has to learn to spell and read all over again. He was confused by the many exceptions to the seemingly innumerable spelling rules/exceptions in our English language. Although the title says Read Instantly, the explanations of the sounds in English mesh naturally with many spelling rules. The order of letters, words and phonic sounds taught builds slowly but steadily to give mastery at every level. Some of the instructions to the teacher are repetitive and not all that helpful, but an experienced teacher will not be hindered by this. In fact, my client began reading the teacher’s directions on his own and practically taught himself the content. Try this with anyone who has even the slightest difficulty with reading and spelling. Home school moms and dads, this would work great with children from beginner to intermediate readers who are having difficulty.”

هذه هنا شهادات من معلمين أمريكان

Testimonials from Adult Literacy Teachers at the COABE Convention in 1999

After giving a workshop during the 1999 National Convention of Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE), Adult literacy teachers wrote their evaluations of Camilia Sadik’s workshop:

♦ Thank you, Camilia for teaching me how to better teach my students

♦ Bring her back next year!!! Exciting approach, informative

♦ Thank you. Keep on telling people that English spelling makes sense.

♦ She needs a bigger room. Excellent!

♦ I can’t wait to order the book! Thank you so much. Great information!

♦ Elaine said, “I wish to open Camilia’s head to see inside and learn how it works.”

♦ This presentation was superb and has certainly great information that will be helpful for my students and for myself.

Nancy Merrill, Kansas City School District

Nancy Merrill-Sayed Wrote, “I am on the Language Arts Curriculum Work Team for the Kansas City, Missouri School District. I don’t know yet if you truly realize the scope of what you have done. Your program is sensible, yet comprehensive. Bravo!!!!”

No Known Person has escaped Learning to Read or Spell from Camilia’s Books

The 30 unique learning features in Camilia Sadik’s books have made learning to spell logical and possible for all ages and all types of learners. No known person has escaped learning from these books.

10 e-books are available for all e-readers and free apps, see→ Kindle Store


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